
ANPA - American Newspaper Publishers Association

wowbelly 2013. 10. 8. 19:26

ANPA - American Newspaper Publishers Association


a 7-bit news agency text markup specification last modified in 1989

still the most common method of transmitting news to its subscribers from news agencies in America.


The best known part of ANPA-1312 was the category code system, which allowed articles to be categorized by a single letter.

ex) sports articles were assigned category S, and articles about politics were assigned P.


Superseded in the early 1990s by IPTC Information Interchange Model and later by the XML-based News Industry Text Format, ANPA-1312's popularity in North America remains strong due, in part, to its widespread support by The Associated Press and the reluctance of newspapers to invest in new computers or software modifications.


An international standard, IPTC 7901, is widely used in Europe and is closely related to ANPA-1312.


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