
Psychology of Intelligence Analysis

wowbelly 2014. 9. 14. 15:30
VINE VOICEon 2010년 7월 16일 (금)
Format: Paperback
If you have read Robert Cialdini's polymath classic "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion", then you will like this great additional contribution to the social sciences of human tendencies and misinterpretations of the mind. The book is basically divided into three (3) parts with

Part 1 - Our Mental Machinery
Part 2 - Tools for Thinking
Part 3 - Cognitive Biases

This is truly a hidden gem and I call it a "hidden hidden gem" as it really is off the radar screen since it was originally published by the government printing office but is now in broader distribution since Nova Science published the paperback version in 2005. This review however is based on my second reading of the original obtained from the U.S. Government Bookstore.

I could go on about the wonderful truths this book provides but several of the other reviewers do a fine job. on the other hand, I will recommend a few gems on this same theme. If you have previously not read Influence, you should still like this book as it is a good introductory start on the subject matter of social influences. If one really likes this subject and wants to pursue it in more depth, please also refer to other fine books on the subject such as, How We Know What Isn't So (very good), Mean Markets and Lizard Brains (Hidden Gem), The Psychology of Judgment & Decision Making (Classic), or Poor Charlie's Almanack (Charlie's Insights). Good reading and enjoy :)