Visiting Scholar
Cover letter
커버레터란 Resume와 함께 보내는 자기소개서로서 일종의 자기 PR문을 말한다. 외국계 기업에 지원할 경우 커버레터 없이 Resume만 보낼 경우 불합격의 요인이 될 수 있으므로 반드시 작성하는 것이 좋다.
커버레터에 정해진 양식은 없으며 지원 분야에 맞는 자격요건, 간단한 프로필, 회사에 대한 관심도 등을 한눈에 확인할 수 있도록 간략히 작성한다.
Cover letter sample
Dear Prof. xxxx
I am writing to inquire about the possibility of joining your research group as a visiting researcher.
My main research area has been so far the fabrication and characterization of xxxx. The major objective of my PhD, defended early this year, was to find novel ways to modify the xxxx. I mastered the techniques needed to fabricate xxxx and characterize them with a variety of techniques such as xxxx (It would better to name some of the techniques that are related to the research area of the professor. Write about your publications if applicable.) .
Recently I was granted a postdoctoral scholarship from xxxx. The grant is based on a proposal entitled xxxx which I had submitted to xxxx; it was evaluated and accepted by an expert board. Through the project, I would like to explore xxxx for xxxx applications.
During this fellowship I will have the opportunity to spend maximum one year as a funded visiting researcher in another institute. I would like to take this chance to join an academic group working on xxxx. In fact,I want to (I changed it since you used "I would like" in the previous sentence) challenge myself working in a new research field and I believe that my experimental background and motivation, would help me to have a valuable contribution.
I have noticed that you have done an extensive range of research works on xxxx so I would be grateful if you would give me the possibility to join your group, staring any time in spring or summer 2013 for a period of at least 6 months (I think you should talk more about this research group. Talk a little about the publications of the professor that you have recently studied and it would be useful if you write some sentences about the facilities of the laboratories.) .
To provide more information about myself and my academic records I have attached my CV to this email. I am eagerly waiting for your kind reply and really appreciate your time and concern.
Best regards,
a university affiliation letter
대학의 입학 승인 편지
. If you are sending any documents attached with your email (research paper, project report, resume), send it in PDF- or doc-format. Do not use DOCX format. The professor might not have MS Office 2007/2008 installed and your documents might not get read. PDF-format is the best for attachments.